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An efficient technique used to find the maximum sum of a contiguous subarray within a given array of numbers. Its beauty lies in its simplicity and its ability to solve the maximum subarray sum problem in linear time complexity
The algorithm works by maintaining two variables:
max_ending_here: the maximum sum contiguous subarray ending at the current position.
max_so_far: the maximum sum of contiguous subarray found so far.
The key insight is that maximum subarray ending at each position is either:
The current element itself, or
The current element plus the maximum subarray ending at the previous position
Initialize both max_ending_here
and max_so_far
with the first element of the array.
Iterate through the array starting from the second element:
For each element, update max_ending_here
If adding the current element to max_ending_here
results in a larger sum, keep the sum.
Otherwise, start a new subarray from the current element.
Update max_so_far
if max_ending_here
is greater.
After the iteration, max_so_far
will contain the maximum subarray sum.
Time complexity: O(n), we make only one iterations through the array. Space complexity: O(1), only two variables.
Maximum Product Subarray
Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence (MSIS)
Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence (LCIS)
Max Consecutive ones.
Maximum Circular Subarray Sum
Maximum Sum Rectangle
Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray with at least K numbers
Flip Bits